Sites & Development

Henderson County is the perfect place to locate a business because of our advantages in location, transportation options, low utility costs, available skilled workforce, and government incentives.

Helping to Build Local Industry and Beyond

Henderson County, Kentucky, owns the Henderson County Riverport. It is a freight transportation hub for all local and regional businesses that need access to rail and river shipping options.

Because the Henderson County Riverport Authority is a governmental unit, it has the ability to create benefits for both public use and private industry interested in locating manufacturing onsite.  The Henderson County Riverport Authority can facilitate in the development of facilities, infrastructure, and freight-handling services for all needs.

Henderson Riverport Industrial Park

Available Sites

All sites within the riverport have paved roads, natural gas, water and sewer service, and electrical utilities onsite or nearby.

We invite you to contact Henderson County Riverport when looking for a location for your business.

Data & Reports

Learn more about development opportunities at Henderson County Riverport.